What To Know About Being a Holistic Nurse by the Nurse Coach Collective

Holistic nursing is all about taking a highly advanced approach to modern wellness by seeking to maintain the health of the entire person as the primary goal.   

Holistic nursing goes beyond the treatment normally found in a professional nursing capacity and includes the attitudes, way of being, and philosophy of the nursing profession. Holistic nurses begin by incorporating a sense of self-care, reflection, self-responsibility, and even spirituality in their own lives and are thereby able to provide this high-quality level of care to their patients as well.  

The results are a greater connection with the patients they care for that can only come from a deeper understanding of the way the body, mind, and spirit connect to create optimal health.  

What Is A Holistic Nurse?  

Holistic nurses begin their training as would any other nurse with proper training in the theories, knowledge, and practice of this medical field. This training is then supplemented with an understanding of the totality of the human and the theories, practices, and standards of the specialty of holistic nursing.  

From a holistic standpoint, good health is not just possible, but inevitable once the patient’s wholeness, peace, and lifestyle have been aligned with their personal needs. This begins with an understanding of their emotional, mental, and physical strengths and weaknesses. Holistic nursing takes this a step further by determining how the values, belief systems, and health habits of their patients can be contributing to their health conditions. All these factors converge to create the basis for the assessments, diagnosis, and treatment plans they will use to build treatment plans and interventions and can then shed light on their evaluation of the results.  

But before a holistic nurse can begin to apply this information to improve the health of their patients, they must begin by applying this information in their own lives first. This personal experience in holistic health will allow them to fully recognize barriers to good health and quite literally transform themselves into instruments of good health.  

In this way, holistic nurses have an authenticity that will imbue their profession with a caring presence that can greatly facilitate all aspects of human health from birth, growth, recovery, and even end-of-life transitions.  

Where Can A Holistic Nurse Be Found?  

A holistic nurse can be found in a wide range of situations where the integrative focus of their practice can be valued and applied. This includes private practices, universities, clinics, hospitals, and a wide range of private practices as well. In addition to training as certified holistic nurses, they may also have specialized training in one or more integrative or complementary healing modalities.  

Our Holistic Nurse Coaching Program   

At The Nurse Coach Collective, we begin with the personal integration of holistic health in our personal lives. This is because understanding the concepts of holistic nursing is simply not enough. Our program is designed to train the holistic nurse of tomorrow through the following element of transformative coaching: 

1. Service   

The holistic nurse is entrusted with improving the health of the patients in their charge. This is accomplished with a variety of teaching methods and techniques that go beyond regular health care and touch on every aspect of their lives. Some of the most important techniques include setting goals, identifying and addressing problems, and continuing education.  

This will allow the holistic nurse to act as the confidant of their patients. It is essential to gain the trust and confidence of patients so that they feel they can speak their minds and be clear about their thoughts. To accomplish your ultimate goals of wellness and good health. It is also important to have a firm foundation of modern medical practice as a holistic nurse will be working in conjunction with other health experts to increase the health of your client.  

2. Resilience   

Resilience in dedication is essential to the work of a holistic nurse as they must build firm confidence in their training and skills. Contrary to the popular concept that patients are weak and sick, the holistic approach is all about understanding health weaknesses as compared to physical strengths. This will allow for the most suitable path to cultivating better health. But this will only be possible if that resilience in your techniques has been built by personal experience and a high level of personal health.  

3. Holistic wellness   

A holistic nurse has the responsibility of addressing health from all sides and on all levels. This is only possible with an understanding of good health from a holistic perspective. By keeping the mind relaxed and managing stress, the body’s capacity to regenerate is greatly enhanced.  

4. Transformation    

A holistic nurse will have undergone the very transformation they wish to apply in the lives of their patients. To do this it is essential to identify the major obstacles that modern human faces in addressing good health. Your path will reveal the insights and practices needed for your patients to take the steps to good health. The path will be unpredictable and no two patients will be the same. By first cultivating this wellness within, it will be easier to help others to follow suit.