Surprising Reasons You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep

Everyone’s been there: Hunkered in for a long night’s sleep only to find themselves staring at the ceiling long into the night, not being able to doze off. For many, there’s no worse feeling than not being able to get enough sleep. Not only does the restlessness cause anxiety and insomnia, but going through the day without enough sleep can severely impact your ability to function. 

Unfortunately, not getting enough sleep can be linked to plenty of lifestyle factors. Here are some surprising reasons you’re not getting enough sleep.

You are looking at blue light before bed

All electronics emit a special blue light which can trigger your brain to feel more awake. The reason for this is that this bright light makes your brain think it is daytime, signaling you to feel more alert. Because your brain thinks it is time to be awake, it doesn’t produce enough of the chemical melatonin, which is responsible for lulling you to a deep sleep every night. 

To ensure your brain can naturally bring you to a state of restfulness, make sure to turn off your phone and any other electronic devices at least an hour before bed. Go the extra step and keep your phone away from your bedside table, to eliminate the risk of you checking it in the middle of the night!

Your bed and bedding needs an upgrade

You spend a lot of time on your bed, and it should be both comfortable and give you enough support for a restful night’s sleep. If you find yourself waking up with a sore back every morning, consider getting a new mattress such as a yogabed twin mattress

It also helps to take a look at your bedding and change up your sheets if you feel too hot or too cold during the night. Most people are naturally cold sleepers, and satin or silk sheets can help to regulate your body’s temperature throughout the night. 

You have an inconsistent bedtime

One of the easiest ways to fall asleep and stay asleep longer is to have a consistent bedtime. Think of it as your own sleep training; the more often you go to sleep at the same time, the easier it will be to wind down each night when your head hits the pillow. When you fall asleep and wake up at different times every day, your body doesn’t know what to do and how to be calm. This is known as shift work disorder, and can lead to chronic sleep deprivation and insomnia. If this condition persists for long enough without you being able to resolve it, you may need insomnia treatment to be able to do so.

Starting sleep training doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need to do is to try your hardest to fall asleep within the same hour every single night. Then, wake up at the same time — and do not snooze! You need to stay consistent in order for this to work, and this means sticking to the schedule even on the weekends. Once you get into a rhythm, your body will thank you.

You are too stressed

Stress can rear its ugly head in many ways, most commonly in your sleep habits. When you have a lot on your mind, it can be hard to doze off into a peaceful dream land. A good way to bypass this and to ease your mind is to create a peaceful nighttime routine. Doing activities such as light stretching, meditation, reading a book, or taking a hot bath can help you wind down and feel less stressed at the end of the day.

When it comes to getting a good night’s rest, it’s pivotal to listen to your body and really take note of what it needs. Next time you head to bed and you cannot fall asleep, consider any of the above reasons and hopefully you can fall asleep in no time at all.