What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a medical practice that was developed in China many years ago. Studies have shown that the results following this procedure has been effective in treating pain and nausea in clients. Acupuncture actually entails stimulating a needle, most times, on certain points on the body, with the intended purpose to relieve and alleviate the body.
Developed millennia ago in China, numerous recent studies conducted by scientists in Europe and the United States have found that acupuncture is at least moderately effective in treating pain and nausea.
How is this relevant to pregnancy?
Research has also been conducted in this area and studies show demonstrates that acupuncture treatments have been very helpful in increasing blood flow to the uterus. This allows the regulation of hormone levels and reducing stress levels as well. Male sperm counts have also been known to increase as well. The treatment is usually done before and after IUI and embryo transfer this is the highest probability of rate increase.
Acupuncture actually has a broader horizon when it comes time to list all of the benefits. Benefits also include hormone-related emotional imbalances, relief, and treatment of pelvic pain, anything period related, menopausal symptoms, all the way to postpartum disorders. There are so many health benefits, but this is also the best method to increase your health fertility wise.
Why should try acupuncture?
Although acupuncture is considered a medical treatment it is honestly leaning more toward the holistic side and there is literally little-to-no room for error. The benefits definitely outweigh anything else. Studies show that The Domar Center has actually performed over 25,000 acupuncture related fertility treatments. This is great news because this proves that this method is actually working for people. The truth is in the numbers. The Domar Center has performed more than 25,000 fertility acupuncture treatments. Not to mention that recent studies show that pregnancy rates have increased by 17% for those families or, women who have received acupuncture compared to anyone that has not been treated. There are many families seeking and using more traditional and complementary routes these days.
How Extensive is Treatment?
The procedure is rather simple, and the results are explosive. When you have your scheduled appointment with The Domar Center acupuncture practitioner, you will arrive on that day. The procedure is about 20 to 30-minutes. The purpose of this procedure is to make the insertion of the embryo easier. So, the acupuncture points are focused on dilating the cervix to make this possible. Some acupuncture points are focused on relaxing and calming the nervous system which in turn causes a decrease in both abdominal cramping and contractions. There are also points that are focused on improving blood circulation, creating a thicker uterine lining.
The second treatment of acupuncture will presume shortly after the embryo transfer. The main focus is also directing and improving circulating additional blood to the uterus. All of these benefits directly support the newly implanted embryo, prevents contractions and of course, ensuring and working to support the overall procedure so that the implantation is more likely to be successful.
There are ongoing treatments for fertility patients before, after and during their terms. Each session is active and effective for up to 24-48 hours after the session has been completed. This has helped to ease cramps, decrease spasms and completely ease the patient’s minds. Although fertility acupuncture is offered at a single, one-time rate, it offers a higher success rate than procedures that have avoided any acupuncture at all.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Considering this practice dates back many years, and the fact that our relatives and family members at the top of our family tree may have also undergone these types of procedures is a positive thing. If you really think about it, our relatives didn’t really have many options and every cure or remedy was created in a home setting for the most part. So, yes this is a safe practice to at least consider. We always recommend that you consult your family doctor or practitioner as well. Start with your research and work from there! Remember, the benefits are endless!