Michael Phelps is featured in a newly released ad for a popular therapy app. Talkspace’s ad has the Olympic swimmer describe his harrowing experience with anxiety. The swimmer describes his story where he did not leave his room for five days. Phelps eventually sought help with a therapist. That move helped him overcome his anxiety and deal with the mental health issues that have plagued him throughout his life.
Talkspace’s latest ad tries to highlight the fact that therapy is for everybody. You can be an Olympic swimmer and still require professional help from a therapist. Phelps encourages people to seek help and to not deal with their mental health issues alone. It is one of the biggest mistakes somebody can make he says. Talkspace’s ad ends with a highlight of their online therapy services which are available online and on the go via their Talkspace app.
There is much news regarding Talkspace’s push to make online mental health services more readily available. A healthcare company called New Directions Behavioral Health has just announced that they will be covering Talkspace’s online therapy services for people enrolled in their healthcare plans. The plan will not cover everybody enrolled in New Directions Behavioral Health, however. Only a select number of employees will have access to Talkspace’s online services.
Despite this, it is a major step forward for Talkspace’s push to get into the mainstream of mental health service. There are stigmas and fears that online mental health services will be inferior to traditional face-to-face therapy services. This is being broken down more and more, though. Michael Phelps has endorsed the service and claimed it does help people. In addition to the Phelps endorsement, a new healthcare provider has just announced that they will begin covering Talkspace’s services for certain plan members. All of this is good news for the fledgling company.
Garmin International is now a handful of companies that are letting employees take advantage of Talkspace’s mental health services. The company says that their new partnership with Talkspace through New Directions Behavioral Health should be a great convenience to their employees. Garmin’s employees can now access mental health services anytime and anywhere thanks to the Talkspace app. The company believes its employees will be able to deal with any issues faster and more readily now that they have access to such a service.
Talkspace is highly pleased to hear that more healthcare providers are now beginning to cover its online therapy services. The mental health startup company is also happy to hear that more and more companies are offering access to its online platform for employee wellbeing. It also pleased to have someone like Michael Phelps support the company’s outreach to people who may be struggling with mental health problems.
Mental health is a huge concern in the United States and around the world right now. Talkspace lets people talk discreetly and confidentially with a therapist from the comfort of their home through a cell phone or computer. This is a significant breakthrough in mental health services. It can reach the millions of people who cannot or do not want to see a face-to-face therapist.