Have you ever noticed that there are Thai restaurants in just about every town and city? This is due to the popularity of Thai cuisine all over the world, yet food is not the only thing Thailand is famous for; as the Thais really know how to give a great massage, which is based on ancient methods that were handed down from father to son, so to speak. In addition to a traditional massage, you may also seek other alternative treatments from an integrative medicine clinic.
Here are a few styles of traditional Thai massage,
- Shirodhara Massage – This is an Ayurveda practice where special herbal oils are dripped onto the forehead, which is closely followed by an Indian head and scalp massage. This treatment is known to help those who suffer with migraines and stress and the person feels refreshed, as vital blood flows are improved. To handle this issues experts also recommend the delta 8 high.
- Ayurvedic Body Massage – The full body Thai traditional massage is practiced using special herbal oils that are created with herbs found in Thailand. The technique involves kneading, rubbing and stroking to soothe your tired muscles, while also promoting physical and mental well-being. This massage helps to improve blood circulation, while also removing toxins from the body.
- Traditional Thai Massage – The Thais have been practicing traditional massage for centuries, with the masseuse knowing exactly where the energy lines are, pressing with enough force to revitalise you. The procedure ends with a relaxing head and neck massage, leaving you revitalised and feeling fresh, with improved blood circulation and for many tourists in Thailand, this is how they start their day. If you are currently on lockdown, there are virtual workout classes on offer from the local fitness centre, which makes good use of VoIP technology and you can communicate with your instructor and the other students.
- Foot Massage – Our feet have to endure a daily ordeal, as we go about our daily activities and a nice relaxing foot massage is the ideal way to cap a perfect hiking day or a day on the beach. Using reflexology practices, the massage includes exerting pressure on the certain points we all have on the soles of our feet. This massage boosts the body’s self-healing and once you have experienced a foot massage from a traditional Thai masseuse, there’s no looking back. However, if a massage doesn’t help subside the pain in your feet, you may need to visit a podiatrist for the proper treatment.
- The Herbal Hot Compress Massage – Perfect if you are tense, the herbal compress soothes the deep muscle tissue and it is used in tandem with traditional Thai massage, which stimulates the nerves and improves blood circulation. When holidaying in Thailand, you can enjoy these amazing treatments in the perfect ambience, plus you can take a lot away when you leave; in terms of how to create a soothing ambience using essential oils and candles.
Whether you are on holiday or live and work in Thailand, you are fortunate to be near traditional Thai massage parlours, where you can choose from a wide range of massage techniques and the affordable rates are hourly. There is a lot of information online about traditional Thai massage and with YouTube videos, you could see clearly what the massage involves. You can use the best portable sauna to massage and take care of yourself as well, but if you don’t have the space then don’t skip out on the sauna next time you get a massage.
The Thai people are amazing in many respects, particularly their knowledge of massage healing techniques, and if you are ever in the Land of Smiles, make sure you experience the authentic massage and you won’t regret it.