Eric Lefkofsky Explains the Benefits of Data-Driven Medicine
Data-driven medicine is now the talk of the town in the healthcare industry. Despite being with us for several years now, there are a lot of people who do not know what it is or what it can do. One of the companies that provide such solutions is Tempus, and its CEO Eric Lefkofsky was interviewed on Bloomberg to explain the benefits of this technology. As it turned out, there is more to data-driven medicine than what is widely known. The live interview was an eye-opener because people were getting information from one of the most respected professionals in this industry. Find out what the CEO said about this technology.
About data mining
Lefkofsky started the interview with a through an explanation of what data mining is and how people will enjoy using it. According to him, most of the problems that people face in the industry stem from lack of proper ways to access data. Capturing details from a patient and storing them for future use seems to be a process that people have yet to master. Even with the advancements in technology, this process remains a struggle. Why is this so? The CEO says that it is a problem that can be solved with ease if people use data-driven medicine. He went further to explain these concerning cancer patients – a population of about 50 million people spread across the world.
With the population of cancer patients, the amount of information known about them is limited. Only a small percentage has been studied, and therefore, this has been hindering the effort to find better cures. Even the simplest facts about some of these people are not known. According to Eric Lefkofsky, this is a danger in itself because there is no way the patients will get proper treatment when we have little information about them. By using the internet to capture and store their details, there is no doubt that things will be much better. When you think about the large-scale data that has not yet been made available, you know the need to upgrade to better systems for the healthcare industry.
Reduced healthcare costs
Although the CEO did not want to discuss too much about the effect on the prices, his explanations were easy to capture. He says that focusing on the costs equals to losing the picture because data-driven medicine is not just about the prices. He says that there will be a more effective flow of information and this will automatically improve the quality of medical services. The effects will trickle down to everyone because while doctors will have an easier job, patients will get better services. Better health and longer lives are the most expected effect. However, there is no doubting the fact that the costs will reduce significantly too.
No ethical issues
Just like with any new systems, the question of ethical issues when using data-driven medicine cannot be overlooked. However, those who have expressed fears may find reprieve from the sentiments by the CEO. He says that such challenges are to be expected, but they can always be dealt with. He said that his company had tested a lot of systems that work similarly, and there has not been any serious problem. He added that going forward; people are likely to experience systems that are secured than any of the programs currently in use.
Eric Lefkofsky profile
Those who have been following new developments in the healthcare industry know about Lefkofsky, the CEO of Tempus. This one is a professional who has enjoyed a lot of success and served in many other capacities before founding Tempus. Some of his different positions include helping Lightbank, Mediaocean, and Groupon. He runs a family foundation that focuses on private charity and is a published author too.